Technology & Features

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Technical Features

ONTOLIS.Base reveals a multitude of features. What is interesting for you is the benefit you get from it - depending on the configuration. Knowledge and understanding of the technical features offer you the possibility to solve new use cases or seemingly insurmountable problems with the help of ONTOLIS.

Ontology - the doctrine of being and the basis of our ONTOLIS applications. Within an ontology everything is related to each other. Conclusions and rules ensure a transfer of the model from the digital to the real world.

Work together on one system, on the Internet or intranet. Real-time information exchange. Optimally scalable. Fast updates, configuration on-the-fly.

It needs exactly the one data model or information model that can represent your world. In ONTOLIS, you define everything exactly once, then reuse it in different places in different contexts as many times as you like. The advantage is that everyone works based on exactly this defined model. Adjustments and enhancements are possible on the fly, so nothing will throw you off in the future.

If you define an element in ONTOLIS it is automatically versionable. Each element has its own lifecycle if you want it to. The advantage: Everything can be tracked optimally and delivered with the right content at any time. Release processes are thus possible at all levels.

QIRA is the graphical programming language for ONTOLIS. QIRA combines the best of the worlds of ontology (SPARQL), XML (XSLT) and relational databases (SQL). QIRA stands for Query - Integrate - Reasoning - Automate and allows the configuration of functions or even the evaluation of data sets directly in the user interface. QIRA can be used almost limitless and makes you us independent of the code and what is already there.

Branching is an essential working tool in software development. We use branching to enable parallel work on an information object. For example, changes to different versions can be made in different branches. Branching can also be used for review processes or even coordination processes, whereby each team member maintains their own branch.

Proxies enable the linking of different information objects from different models or contexts. The same element can be used here in different models and thus in different contexts (with other properties, other child nodes). As long as one always speaks of the same concrete object, exactly this is reused as innumerable proxies.

All your information that you maintain in ONTOLIS is very rich. Metadata and meta-metadata specifically characterize all objects. As a result, the XML-based management allows almost any export to a target format that is relevant to you. ONTOLIS data have rather too much than too little. For the import, a mapping is almost always used to map your data in an ONTOLIS system. Basically, ONTOLIS implements interfaces via web services or local, partially automated processes for you.

Life is regular. Regardless of what your world looks like, you need rules to get where you want to go. Rules are used to set validity, filter information or aggregate content. In ONTOLIS, rules are modelled and created using the same principle as product models, topics, or documents.

Managing data and information and, in the best case, generating knowledge, is one thing. For the correct representation it requires depending upon use case or requirement different surface. Whether tables, Kanban style, tree structures, lists - with the integrated GUI configuration in ONTOLIS you design the available data according to your wishes. With HTML and CSS knowledge you can deliver your information according to the target group.

In order to handle almost any format and to merge all your data and information from your entire system landscape into ONTOLIS, ONTOLIS uses mapping mechanisms. Even unstructured data can be mapped easily and efficiently in ONTOLIS. For this, we model your world together and create a mapping between your actual objects and the correspondences in ONTOLIS.

The knowledge graph enables the semantic linking of data and information to generate knowledge and make products or solutions intelligent. With ONTOLIS, this is exactly the focus and every single linkage of objects in a model, provides another point for use and evaluation. The visualization in an ONTOLIS system finalizes the approach of making knowledge machine- and human-readable.

Functions: The usual suspects

After leaving technical aspects aside, well-known functions remain. These functions are specifically applied and used through appropriate configuration and necessary domain knowledge.

In an ontology there are no loose ends - every object is connected and described by its context. Thus, all information is structured. There is always an appropriate location for each new unit of information such as texts, images and files.

Reliable versioning allows continuous information export from the ontology. Release processes, branching & delta calculations constantly ensure a high quality of information. By dividing the ontology into connected logical units, teams work together simultaneously on the ontology.

Any information is accessible and can be edited in a powerful editor. Any information is transformable - ready to serve as a basis for more information.

Knowledge is good. But only if it is at hand and can easily be found. ONTOLIS makes that possible through configurable multi-facetted search, reasoning algorithms, fuzzy search and visually assisted navigation through the semantic net.

With the help of configurable rights and roles, any work philosophy can be defined. Protect your collected knowledge from unwanted access and leave the power only to those who can handle it.

ONTOLIS supports standard publication formats, simple publication paths and full-scale variant management. Give every variant it's digital twin and provide user centric information regardless of the complexity of your product or product platform.

Built-in localization for all objects inside the ontology and interfaces to common translation services give you the tools to reach everybody. If that's not enough TLM is there for you.

It is easy to extend and reconfigure ONTOLIS through the user interface. This approach of ontology modelling gives you the power to adapt to new challenges everyday - no coding required.

Our Technology Stack

Windows, IIS, MSSQL Server and .Net - Yes, we are deeply rooted inside Microsoft's World. This provides us with the tools for building industry-grade web solutions and our customers reliability and performance. Team Foundation Server is used as Source Control. Visual Studio Prof. serves as our IDE. RedGate SQL Tools, and BeyondCompare help with the daily work load. Not to forget: Various Ontolis Applications support us with information management and keep our company running smoothly. Our next possible addition to the stack: Angular vs React PS: A shout-out to the people at the SoftwareGuild who have helped us visualizing our technology stack.